Bees, and why they are great

Im sure you have all seen honey bees, and Im sure you know what they do, they produce honey. I think they would be a good thing to have because of this, but not only this. Honey of course tastes good, but did you know that honey is also very antiseptic and can be used to preserve goods. Honey can last along time, thousands of years to be specific. Jars of honey have been found preserved from ancient civilizations still edible, and dont need pressure to be canned.

If you are going to raise honey bees then you will need a hive, your choises can range from the commen langstroth hives to top bar hives, and even warre hives. I personally prefer the top bar hive, also known as the kenyan top bar hive.

Kenyan top bar hive: The kenyan top bar hive is a hive designed to be inexpensive and easy to build yourself, they were develped for third world countries that needed cheaper means of honey. The top bar hive consists of an open hive with bars on which the bees build their comb.
Warre Hive: The warre hive is a hive that has characteristics of both the top bar hive and the langstroth hives. It is square in design like the langstroth but it also has the top bars like in a top bar hive. Warre hives are gaining poularity in the beehive world.

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